GCH Sidels She’s A Dilly aka Penelope -MPCA Dam of the year 2023
CH Sidels The Force Awakens akak Padme- MPCA Runner Up Dam of the year 2023
NOT our male but GCH Pastyme’s Ready Mix, CA, BCAT (sire of our 2023 puppies)was MPCA Sire of the year 2023
Ty’s natural eared daughter Cherry debuted and became a Champion in 2021
Ty’s daughter Jada, was Reserve Winners Bitch at the 2021 MPCA National show to become a new Champion
We couldn’t attend the 2020, National, but we were a presence at the Awards Banquet see below:
GCHS Sidels Feisty Francesca, Best In Show, Multi Best In Specialty Show. #5 Breed, #3 All Breed, #1 NOHS Breed, #4 NOHS All Breed, #1 NOHS Breed Lifetime.
CH Sidels Gimme All Ya Got, aka Sassy = Dam Of The Year, Hall Of Fame. and Honor Roll.
GCH Sidels Tenacious Tony aka Tony = Sire Of The Year
GCHB Sidels The Empire Strikes Back, BCAT, RATI aka Ty = Triple Crown
GCH Sidels Vindictive Vinnie, BN, RA, CAA,RATI aka Vinnie= 3rd Triple Crown
6 New Champions(the 1st 5 were the Tony x Sassy pups)
CH Sidels Silence.. I Keel You. aka Achmed
CH Sidels Captain Charisma. aka Jaxson
CH Sidels Maestro Of Mayhem aka Spidey
CH Sidels Twisted Bliss. aka Bliss
CH Sidels Sassy, Squirrely Girly aka Squirrely
CH Sidels The Divine Miss M. aka Bette
Francesca’s 2020 debut is stellar! Group 4, Group 2 and NOHS BIS!!!
Popeye is Winners Dog both days in Fresno–he is now AKC pointed!
Squirrely becomes a Champion
Francesca wins another Group 1and more NOHS Best in Shows
Bette is a new Champion
Francesca’s latest advertisement in Canine Chronicle
Francesca is Best In Show and Reserve Best In Show!!!
Francesca is awarded another Group 1 in Portland under Randy Garren
Francesca has already picked up more Group placements in 2019!
Achmed debuts & becomes a Champion in 7 shows!
September Canine Chronicle
September Top Notch Toys Magazine
Francesca wins Group 1 under Mr. Joao Machado in an extremely strong Toy group.

Francesca is Best in Specialty at the Min Pin Club of Greater Los Angelas & Pacific Northwest Min Pin Club.
Valor is a NEW CHAMPION!!!!

Pete wins the 2018 MPCA Top 20!!!!!
Francesca wins Best Opposite Sex at the 2018 MPCA National Specialty!!!!
Valor debuts and wins Winners Dog/Best of Winners & Best Puppy at the 2018 MPCA National Specialty @ 6months 2 days old!!!!!!
Ty wins Best in Maturity, and Best Stud dog at the 2018 MPCA National Specialty
Francesca wins NOHS Best in Show

Pete wins Best in Specialty in New York!!!

Sophia is Winners and Best of Winners in New York

Francesca wins Best of Breed over 2 top 20 ranked dogs and is a new Champion at 7 months old!
Ty is #1 NOHS, and in the Top 20 for the breed!
Pete is #2 in the breed and invited to Westminster Kennel Club!
Ty’s latest advertisement in TNT

Francesca debuts & after 4 days of shows only needs 4 singles to be a Champion! She won WB/BBE @ both M.P.C.N.C specialties, Best in Sweepstakes and BOS over 5 bitch specials!
Sophia wins WB/BOS over a top ranked Champion @ 6 months old.
Ty wins his 2nd NOHS BIS!!!!

Ty wins a Group 2!!!!

Padme’ Best Of Breed!!!
Pete wins a Group 1 !!!!!
Pete wins a Group 4!
Pete wins Best in Show Specialty!
Jake is a new CHAMPION
Jake Wins a Variety Group 4 under Respected Breeder Judge David Krogh, shown by his owner Kim!!!
Tiberious’ aka Ty new advertisement in Top Notch Toys May 2017

Tiberious’ 1st weekend out as a new Champion he wins back to back Best of Breed and then NOHS Best In Show!!
Jake wins Best of Breed from the classes over 5 specials for a 4 pt major!
Tiberious is a NEW AKC Champion and wins two GCH majors the following days!!

Pete is a new AKC Champion at 8 months old!
Tiberious wins Best in Sweeps at the Min Pin Club of Greater Tuscon Specialty and now has BOTH AKC majors at 8 months old!
Padme’ debuts & finishes her AKC Championship in 3 wks. Her 4th week of shows, she wins NOHS Reserve Best in Show–all at the tender age of 7 months old!
Pete is a multiple Best of breed over specials winner! NOHS BEST IN SHOW and Variety group 4 & 2 !!!

Sidels The Phantom Menace… aka Pete

Sidels Return of The Jedi aka Jake & Sidels The Force Awakens aka Padme’
Abbie retires from active competition as #3 NOHS for the second year in a row, and as#18 Min Pin breed standing with limited shows for 2015.
Pixie became a Honor Roll Dam in January 2015, and by November 2015 she became a Hall Of Fame Dam.
Guido makes CH #8 for his dam–who is now “Hall Of Fame”

Rita is now a CHAMPION!!!!!! She makes CH # 7 for her dam!!!

Rita wins Best Bred By and Bred By Group 1 @ Mensona KC
Rita WB for another major and Guido BOW at Richmond Dog Fanciers!
Guido Reserve WD/Best Puppy/Best Opp Sweeps at the Miniature Pinscher Club of Northern Ca specialty!
Guido Best in Sweeps at Pacific Northwest Miniature Pinscher Club!
Rita wins Best of Breed from the puppy class over specials!
Guido wins back to back Best of Breed over specials from the puppy class!!!!
Abbie & Rita took their sister act to new heights….back to back Best In Show Brace May 2015

The newest Minpranos debuted…Dominic won a major, Rita won reserve to the major and Guido won Best puppy as well as winners dog 2 days, one of which was a major!
Abbie was #9 Min Pin in MPCA breed standings, #3 NOHS series for 2014.
CH. Satin’s Pixie Dust Explosion was runner up Dam of the Year 2014 and became an Honor Roll Dam!
Winter 2014 issue of the Pinscher Patter & November issue of Showsight & Top Notch Toys